When To Get Pre-Approved

You're ready to pursue a mortgage. When should you seek a pre-approval? In short, the answer is "as soon as possible." There are many advantages to getting pre-approved as early as possible. Items related to your credit, income and assets should be addressed early...

Seven Things Your Agent Should Know About Your Mortgage Approval

While many experienced real estate agents have a general understanding of the mortgage approval process, there are a few important details that frequently get overlooked which may cause a purchase to be delayed or denied on Jumbo Financing, Apartment Financing,...

Do I Need To Sell My Home Before I Can Qualify For A New Mortgage On Another Property?

Although every situation is unique, it is not uncommon for homebuyers to qualify for a mortgage on a new home while still living in their primary residence suck as Jumbo Financing, Apartment Financing, Construction Loans and Mixed Use Financing. Perhaps you are...

Renting vs Buying A Home

Buying a home versus renting is a big decision that takes careful consideration. Jumbo Financing, Apartment Financing, Construction Loans and Mixed Use Financing; while there are several biased sources that can make arguments for or against owning a home, we've found...

First-Time Home Buyer Credit Checklist

Getting a new mortgage for a First-Time Home Buyer can be a little overwhelming with all of the important details, guidelines and potential speed bumps. Since there are so many rules and steps to follow, here is a simple list of Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind...